Hello world!

What do you do when you are told that someone you love and cherish has cancer. Yes, you go through all the stages.  I was in shock, I was in denial, I was angry, and then I started to accept what I was hearing and deal with it.  My husband was just diagnosed, at 54, with Prostate cancer.  This guy is my rock. He is also one of the healthiest people I know.  So as the wife I try to be brave and console. At the same time I just want to scream.  He puts up a brave front, and acts like Mr. Tough Guy.  When it comes down to it we are both scared to death.  Its a big blow to the male ego to have this cancer, although it’s probably the best (if you can actually say that) cancer to have because they can take out the prostate.  On the other hand you still have the big “C” word lurking.  Yes, there might be incontinence and ED to deal with (male ego at its best), but then there are questions.  Will he be OK after? Did it spread?  We won’t know for a few weeks exactly what is going to happen, but we did do our homework.  We received many opinions from many doctors.  They all said the same thing.  We chose the best course and the best doctor in our area for the job.

If you or a family member have been diagnosed with any kind of cancer, please make sure to do your homework and get that second, third, or hundredth opinion.  Not just on the diagnosis, but on the treatment and the surgeon if you need one.

Sorry to start my very first post on such a downer subject, but this is me, and this is what I’m dealing with right now.  If you are in a similar situation, email me and we can support each other.